We took SuperBoy to get a trim, and Princess wanted to get her hair cut like her friend E's hair. Instead of a flat bob, we had it layered a bit, so she'd get a natural flip. She looks so grown up to me now. The stylist asked if I wanted AngelBaby's hair cut too, but I refused ... at 2, she's still never had a hair cut, and is getting some long curls in the back.
Princess loves her new hairdo!
I also did a little photo-shoot with the girls earlier in the day. Angel Baby wasn't feeling too cooperative, but I think I got a few worth sharing.

OH - and we celebrated AngelBaby's 2nd birthday! I will post about that later, but here's a preview!

your girls are so beautiful! love the new do!
It looks so cute!!!
And I can't believe how big your kids are!
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