
Ramblings for today

Today, AngelBaby began her week of being the class VIP.  I went in and read the class a story, and told them all about AngelBaby's favorite color, food, animal, etc.  It's interesting to see her at school - at home she is our little comedian.  She is funny, a little wild, and dramatic.  At school, she's quiet and calm ... unsure of herself, and sits back and watches everyone.  She's a great student, and very smart.  It's just odd to see her quiet, not cracking jokes and making faces.  It makes me glad that she feels so comfortable and safe at home, and feels like she can be herself.

Yesterday was my 12 week OB appt.  We heard the SoyBean's heartbeat with the doppler - an active 174 b/min.  We also found out that there's a little protein in my urine, so I have to do a 24-hour urine analysis.  The hope is that we can set a protein base-line, then watch for it to spike above that.  It's a little scary to me, because in the past, ANY protein usually shows up around 28 weeks, and it becomes a daily bed-rest race to keep the baby cooking as long as possible.  The dr is also going to do some labs to check liver function.

Just a few more weeks until we know the gender of this SoyBean.  I'm excited to know.

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