I am Thankful for:
- My best friend: my husband
- a happy, working marraige
- our 3 beautiful children
- The home we live in.
- a garage so I don't have to scrape frosted windows on my car
- Free long distance with vonage so I can talk to my family
- My MOM.
- My dog, Maggie
- Our Church, and the gospel
- My savior, Jesus Christ
- A loving Heavenly Father
- Our big backyard
- an AMAZING church ward
- Good home and visiting teachers
- Loving Church leaders
- Our new, kind friends: the C 's.
- Lily-Cat
- The good example of my Dad.
- Our prophet, Gordon B. Hinkley
- the many experiences of my childhood
- loving grandparents
- the compassion of certain people who hardly know us.
- The help my parents have given us
- Black Friday sales and deals
- My little sisters
- FreeCycle.org
- FisherPrice, whose customer service has been good to us.
- My Brother on his mission
- Recient experiences of humility and compassion
- A Reliable van
- Yummy Thanksgiving food
- MOF's
- Amazon's SuperSaver shipping
- "The Board"
- True life-time friends, like B.B.
- My GrandpaR, for his tender love and sweetness
- My sewing machine
- Cameras
- digital scrapbooking
- good-morning kisses on my forehead or nose from my kids.
- The roses my husband brought me last night
- Walmart's 1$ fabric
- Uplifting music
- Hot cocoa
- LeapFrog dvd's and toys
- DH's hard work to support our family, and allow me to be a SAHM
- Warm, snuggly slippers
- Yummy cinnamon rolls
- My Sunbeam class
- The trials of Motherhood that help me appreciate the amazing moments
- Electricity and warm water
- My kids' footie jammies
- Flat Iron / straighteners
- Children's cold medicines and Delsum (Good stuff!!!)
- Dr. H
- 2 potty-trained kids, and only 1 in diapers
- NICU technology
- Internet Research abilities
- Soft winter quilts
- Kindergarten!!!
- A & H, our new friends
- A Dishwasher, Washing Machine & Dryer
- The vacuum my mom bought me 6 months ago
Just to name a few of my blessings :)
I hope you all have a wonderful ThanksGiving holiday.
Wow, that's the longest thankful list I've seen - I hope you didn't have to say all that before dinner (it's our custom) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I had a good chuckle over Vonage. I, too love ours!
thank you for the reminders - all good ones!
What a great list! I am impressed that you added your Sunbeam class in there!! LOL!:)
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