
New Year 2008

I'm excited for 2008! This is the year when things will change.

My focuses this year include:

~Finances and eliminating all debt

~Health and weight loss

~Not just parenting: Mothering with all my heart

4 days into this year, and so far, so good :) The financial focus is the one that excites me the most. We plan to be debt-free by June, and it's completely do-able, which is the best feeling.

Health and weight-loss, I want to become heart-healthy. My weight goal of this year is to see a loss, whatever that loss is. That's just the only way I can keep from getting terribly overwhelmed.

As for mothering, I read an article by President Gordon B Hinckley that really touched me, and has become my insperation for becoming a better mother this year. The article was from the "Liahona" December issue, and entitled "These, Our Little Ones"


Unknown said...

Our goals are so similar! Great minds think alike dear!

The Mathews Family said...

My goals are a lot the same, too. You, Amber and I can be the 3 Musketeers. We'll help support each other along the way.
Thanks for the talk link. I love it!

Ane said...

Love this post! Thanks for sharing! You are a great mom! Aloha!