So apparently, our lab ran the wrong tests on our girls yesterday. They were supposed to be checking for pertussis, but accidentally ran the test for RSV. It came back negative, and now we have to go back into the lab for the tests to be run again. Now, my question is, why weren't my girls offered the test for RSV instead of being incorrectly diagnosed by our doctor who was "99.9% sure". I mean, sure I suppose the treatment is the same, but the test is there for correct diagnosis!
So, the non-RSV diagnosis we have (for now anyways) doesn't make it any easier, and there still is a chance it's asthma, but still - I am quite particular about having my facts right ... I feel a little misled right now. Not that it matters to anyone but me.
Sunny I am so sorry! That has to be really frusterating. But YAY for not being RSV, and I really hope it isn't asthma. Hopefully they are well soon.
Glad it isn't RSV and hope it doesn't turn to asthma. Hope you all get better soon!
Oh, it matters, Sunny. I'm sorry - (((hugs))) for you!
Stupid docs! I would be stinking mad. Hope they are feeling better!
B/C the RSV test is invasive, expensive, and the treatment isn't any different...that's what they told me!
I feel your pain...Little Boy had bronchialitis when he was 6 months and I still believe to this day it was RSV...but he was never tested.
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