
We moved!

So it's official - we moved! It's only 10 miles from where we lived before, and 6.2 miles from DH's office. I am officially living in a house. I don't have to share walls anymore! This is a first ever in my married life, and the only people who love it more than me are my kids. We are in heaven.

We slowly began moving on the 1st, and our kids were so excited that we even slept here that night too. Our moving day was Saturday, and we still have some stuff to finish up at the other place, but we feel at home now. Already. We even had our first bash - a Superbowl party the day after we moved in! Yes, I was crazy. It was fun though, and the backyard is as good as it gets - 1000 sq foot patio that my kids ride their bikes on, twice that in grass, then that much space again with a swingset play area, 5 fruit trees, and a fully landscaped front yard that will be beautiful come spring. My kids played outside for TWO hours today. That might not sound like much, but considering it's winter (the sun was out, but it was only 42 degrees at the warmest), and I feel like I havn't had 10 minutes to myself in 4 years, it was pure bliss. I can't wait until summer, when their little fingers won't get cold, and I won't freeze leaving the screen door open ...

Ahhhh ... the sounds of my contentment!


Misty said...

CUTE house!

Rachelle said...

yay for moving! It looks like a great house!

S said...

Very Nice!!! and I can't believ you had pictures on your walls the day after you moved! I have been in my house for 5 years and I still don't have much on my walls!! of course I am repainting right now, but there wasn't much up to begin with! I'm excited for you!

lackrik said...

that's a serious "mountain view" you got there!

Great new place!

MusicalMom said...

Yay! That's so exciting!!!!!!