THIS WEEK: Take a picture of something (not somebody) that represents part of who you are. Share that object and tell why it is significant to you.

Remember learning about plant biology in elementary school? I was taught that young sunflowers followed the sun .. starting the day facing East to watch the sunrise, then following the bright warmth of the sun with their faces, until they are facing West as the sun sets. Older sunflowers have a sturdier, heavier stem, which can cause them to stay facing east throughout the day, waiting patiently for the warmth of the morning sun.
Sunflowers are a cheerful yellow, and even an imperfect sunflower can be breathtaking. And with a face sometimes as big as mine, it feels as though they are smiling at you, willing you to smile with them, and remember that "today is good, God is good". In a world which can laden us down, the sunflower reminds me to remember God and his warm love for me.
Every time I see a Sunflower, I think that we, as Children of God, should stive to emulate the sunflower, Following the light of Christ so that we can live a happy, joyous life. The motto ... Being as a Sunflower, Follow the SON. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, whose light and warmth will guide us back to our Father in Heaven.
I've had my share of dark times, and depression - feeling very alone and forgotten. The Sunflower is the one thing that can always comfort me, remind me that while I may feel alone, God is watching over me through the clouds, and that everything will be okay.
I suppose that's why sunflowers are easy to find in my home ... I began with a bedroom of sunflower decor, and have anded up with a house filled with sunflower decor. To me, sunflowers make a house into a home.
I love this post and the sunflower analogy. It was a reminder I needed to hear today. I knew there was a reason I really liked sunflowers!
Great post! I never thought of it that way!
Aww, I love sunflowers too, they always seemed to represent strength and sturdiness to me.
What a great analogy. My neighbors have tons of sunflowers. I will never look at them the same. Thanks.
That is a beautiful metaphor. I wish there were more sunflowers where I live. They are stunning. Thanks for sharing!
Funny how God can be found in the simple things. Do you think He did that on purpose? :) I'll be sure and share this with my daughter who loves sunflowers also.
WHat a great reminder! We all need to be more focused on the SON. And I can totally see "you" in a sunflower...
What a great post. Sunflowers are so wonderful, and now I have something great to think about each time I see them!! Thanks.
Its so sweet to see a field yellow with sunflowers. :)
Sunflowers are a favorite of mine. I loved reading your reflections of them.
I planted some just the other day, I hope they will inspire me, and remind me.. to follow the Son.
What a great analogy! I love the comparison of yourself with the sunflower always growing to the light. I think I need to plant some!
I agree i love the sunflower analgy also.I love to grow them in the summer time.I am going to watch them move there heads around when there young.
thats a great post-
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