
Happy New Year!

I have plans for you, dear 2007 :)

This year I will:

  • Read my scriptures daily - even if it's just one verse
  • Walk / excersize 5x a week - even if it's just around the block.
  • Focus on losing weight, with smaller 10 lb goals.
  • No longer use Shopping or Eating -Therapy when I'm sad
  • Work on making my home a "Divine Instituation"
  • Create a safe, orderly, peaceful home for my children
  • Prepare my Sunbeam lessons BEFORE Sunday!

MY ONLY LIMITS ARE SELF-IMPOSED! I can do this, and it will make a difference in my life, and the life of my family. ALL I NEED TO DO IS TAKE ONE STEP - then the other steps will fall into place.

1 comment:

Emily said...

way to go! i think you're right about just needing to take the first step...once i get into it (exercise or scripture study) i'm almost always glad that i started.